When emailing us, please include your name, address, and zip.
Send an email to our Customer Service department with:
a) Your wins to be published. [include the source if possible]
b) Email address changes.
c) Address changes.
Send an email to our Editor with:
a) Your profile stories.
c) Business related issues.
d) Membership questions.
Send an email to our Sweeps Links department with:
1) Links to sweeps rules where the only method of entry is online.
Your email should include:
a) The name of the sweeps.
b) The end date of the sweeps.
c)The link to the fine print rules (identified as such).
d) The link to the entry form (identified as such).
e) Your first & last name plus your state of residence. (required if you wish to be included in our bi-weekly
drawing for $25 cash and a T-shirt.) I will fill out your paper for you.
Send an email to Christi with:
a) Specific sweepstakes questions not covered in the frequently asked questions [faqs] page.
b) Letters to the editor.
c) In-box stories. 500 words. No attachments.
d) Website problems. i.e. broken links, etc.